King of the Kids,EBC Champion,4 time Queensland champion,Uni Student,childcare worker and full time Boxer Jack Bowen was back in the ring last night with an Impressive win over Ben Hussain.
Bowen controlled the bout from the outset and showed his International experience to step up when he needed to and stay in front of the eager Hussain. “It definately wasnt Jacks most fluent performance but he got the job done” said coach Gareth Williams. In the last two weeks Bowen has had to miss sparring sessions organised with Clay Waterman due to University Exams and dropping 6 kilograms off his frame from his last fight at the Tattersals club where he beat the 81kg New Zealand champion and last night had to box at 75kg.
The first Round was a solid one for Bowen and he just stuck to the game plan of keeping a good shape and forced Hussain to make mistakes ,”for the first time ever Jack sat down between rounds due to the rapid weight cut and his hectic uni and work schedule,but as all top class fighters do,he still found a way to win” said Williams,”Clay Waterman was similar,he also showed the experience at the top level to win when still not at his best”.
Bowen is a gym favourite with all the kids,they all look up to him and he is always supporting them.
The future is bright for Bowen,with lots of International attention he definately has the skills and work ethic to become a global superstar.
See Jack Bowen below in the world first televised Elite Boxing Championship on ESPN in 2017
click here to watch Jack Bowen EBC Champion