9yr Old Josh Chernih shows improved discipline and concentration level.
Young Josh has started the year with a bang and recieved the gold medal award last week for such a rapid improvement in attitude and also in his skill level.
A great effort last week when he showed promising signs in his self defence and also following instructions to a tee.
Great work Josh.![](https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/pfxAtdAtZryXUZ2rM6KvImYmZk2XbTyhS2oakzxFnZh_8SR_glZ9MUvIZJNUCB2Qvs_j1nq4vnTxbvcXykd15M1rpaSZ8adwXXOXCedQV66zEJSVvxQNLNb-O7W6pk2Da6HrRGRua46mOMX4UmUh9FvytAzfWOCOk1BFtm3PaC49mHtRgt3cMwa_L7zJs4c1upYHtIjysz7c579quZVQ2AJbuTYwLzSC_pW-5DIlfzVDbWdpqJ6gsOGJnvuqJyw_1zfWnUFWpEQLwUXkJTQESkg40BahGXCHiCH0dBOMNPXUqs5_U--Fn4l1Q8bK=s0-d-e1-ft#https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10968322_776602139043361_8217159757400631724_n.jpg?oh=695c3d9ba1593572726d18b3980dfd67&oe=55947CF5&__gda__=1431723853_f4bf7162fd121670e6d91f7b2f7d2c1e)
Fun and Fitness at Box Blast
12 midday Box Blast sessions are becoming a Blast.
Lots of staff from Griffith University are now locking in the Lunchtime slot 2 – 3 times per week to train with Gareth in a fun fitness session.The fun has been aimed at Gareth on more than one Occasion,but always gets his own back with some sort of torture.
Great to see Deb and Michelle back in training after being The Boxing Shop’s initial friends back before the initial opening date in 2007.
Beginner Boxing Fitness Classes
Some new beginners this year have really improved in fitness and skill development.
Kate has become a “boxing junkee” and has got the bug for this crazy way of fitness. She is punching harder and her fitness has come on leaps and bounds,its not uncommon to see her in the gym twice a day.
Its also Great to see Lenny the Lion,back in the swing of his training regime.
Kicking goals guys,well done.
Hayley Finlayson getting a massage from our young sensation “SkOlive” and one of our Lil Boxers Amira.
Shara recieves top coaching honours
Female trainer Shara,has recieved world wide accreditation by AIBA as a 1 star coach.Ths Accreditation has her in line to become an International class coach and Opens many doors for TBS Athletes.In 2015 Shara has also been accepted as the Queensland Academy of Sport Female Boxing Coach in the Talent iD program.