After opening The Boxing Shop in 2007,Gareth Williams set his eyes on improving himself as a coach. With a background of Elite Gymnastics,Rugby League and Boxing Gareth knew there was so much more to coaching than just general boxing training and hoping a kid with talent walks through the door.
“In the middle of 2007 I wrote a letter to Wayne Bennett,I was so nervous writing the letter and I changed my mind many times on whether I should send it or not” said Williams, “My letter said,I want to be one of the best coaches and I want to learn the extra things like man management and dealing with different personalities rather than just boxing ….I reckon my letter was on Wayne’s Desk for 2 minutes and I got a phone call from Dean Benton saying I was welcome anytime to come and watch training sessions,so I jumped at it,I went down the next day and my aim was to stay for a week and learn as much about coaching as possible”.
I met everyone at the Broncos and they were very welcoming and happy to show me around and teach me as much as I wanted to know. “After the week ,I spoke to Wayne and thanked him for opening the doors for me to have an inside look as to how the team and coaching side of things operated,he said would you like to come next week as we are doing some different things,so I jumped at the chance”.During the second week Gareth was asked to bring his pads and work with a few injured players which was a good way to say thanks for the invite.
From this time moving forward Gareth and The Boxing Shop has had good relationships with the Brisbane Broncos , former Players and Staff and continue to work with them in many ways.
Life is about relationships,If you treat people right,they treat you right.